Future is when you can see all of your past
Future is when you can feel the final of your acts
Future is when you hear voices of blame, cry, tears, and even smiles
Future is when you looking back to trace tomorrow
Some people were feel sorry for their past when they were in future, but great people are smiling when they saw their succesfulness of their good grain plants. But it is hard to have a brightful future, as it is not easy to just doing a bad move of your beginning day. Most of human will blame on their faith when the see the darkness of today’s future, while in fact, it’s all because of what they done themselves. So, why we should trust our faith is a must, but let ourselves to our faith is absolutely wrong at all. Handling, seeing, walking, working, smiling, running, sitting, … thinking, and … sleeping, are just a few of a bunch of responsibilities and chalenges to be face in our life. Good or bad, white or black of the results of our actions is not a part of our judgements, but it’s the God’s Absolut Right. Starting with a good thing, base on the rules of God, to choose any way we want, is our desire. So for those who wants to have a good future, choose a good way, but for those who don’t, let them be. Isn’t it why there is The Al Qur’an’s and Al Hadits for? To guard us to the right path to a right future?
Future, as the past, and the present, is a part of the huge and long journey of the life, and one thing should be remembered, that future will not turn to present, and present will not be the past, time egoisticly run and will not run back, so wise people should properly consider and watch for their steps to avoid from falling down to a gap of misery and sorry. But wise people, will starting plant their garden by preparing a good seed, tools, and soils, fertilize it, nights and days, with hope that someday, and that is what they call as future, will give them a good good crops.
Ambon, March 24, 2006
Pembaca yang saya hormati,
Tulisan-tulisan dalam blog ini insya Allah selalu diupayakan keorisinalitasnya. Saya berharap pembaca juga bersedia menjaga orisinalitasnya dengan mencantumkan nama blog ini ( Semoga Anda memperoleh manfaat dari blog ini.
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010
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