Learning is a blast...! Be a real moslem woman is a must. And to become an Industrial Engineering woman need to be fast...! As far as the journey of my life,... let the faith keep me up on the right path...

ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻢﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ﻭﺮﺤﻤﺔﷲ ﻭﺑﺭﻜﺎﺘﻪ

Pembaca yang saya hormati,

Tulisan-tulisan dalam blog ini insya Allah selalu diupayakan keorisinalitasnya. Saya berharap pembaca juga bersedia menjaga orisinalitasnya dengan mencantumkan nama blog ini (http://www.sitnah-aisyah.blogspot.com). Semoga Anda memperoleh manfaat dari blog ini.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2022


[5/5 08.49] Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy:

No one could have figured out the power behind a married woman. She is strong, not because of her spouse, since a wife is not an absolute bond. Also not by her children, since she is the source of the children's strength. She must be strong and be strong only because of God, and herself, who is looking for every scrap of anything that can make her stand on her own feet, and support her on her own back. She has been cut off to take refuge in her father or brother, while she is not the first person to be protected by her spouse either. So, behind a woman's success is nothing but herself. SitnahAisyah.blogspot.com, 26042022


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